Pay Information

Our pay periods are either monthly or the old way.
Monthly is usually one month behind, (January would be in March, February in April, etc.)
The old way is:
1. December-January-February-March are paid in April.
2. April-May-June are paid in July.
3. July-August are paid in September.
4. September-October-November are paid in December.
All of the above pay dates are completed when there enough funds to pay everyone.

Monthly      Old Way     

Direct Deposit      Mail Check ($1.50 fee)      Zelle using Cell Phone      Zelle using Email Address     

Dues, right now, are $110 and are taken out the first payment of each year. Also, 11% is deducted from the game fees to cover payment to the Board of Directors for running the Association.
FYI: Once the pay process starts it takes approximately 10 days for payment to come via mail, 3 days for direct deposit.

Input symbols
